K27 point strengthens the immune system, and is one of the “Tonic Master Points”.
It is also very effective in calming the psychological states of tension, anxiety, worry, and depression, especially combined with CV17 (center of the sternum). Finally, it is useful to treat congestion, cough, asthma and other breathing difficulties.
Kidney 27, K27, Yu Fu, Elegant Mansion
Where is this point?
In the hollow below the collarbone next to the breastbone. If you press firmly, these points can be sore.
How to work this point?
Use the middle finger of both hands, or the thumb and middle finger of one hand. make sure you touche the opint with the fleshy cushion of your finger tips. Be gentle, those points can be sensitive. Often times you can feel a pulse in the point. Hold the point for 30 seconds or 1 minute if possible. Close your eyes.
[This information is given for educational and recreational purposes. Consult a healthcare practitioner if you are sick].