Acupressure Point St3 is a Master acupuncture point. It helps relieve stuffy nose, nasal congestion, sinus problems, tooth pain, eye ache, eye irritation, swelling around the eyes and general facial congestion.
Stomach 3, St3, Facial Beauty Point.
Where is this point?
At the bottom of the cheekbone (maxilla), on the imaginary line between the pupil and the corner of the mouth.
How to work this point?
The most convenient way is to use the plump part of the middle finger tip.
Instead of using your physical strength to press in the point and tense your shoulders, put your elbows on a table and rest your face on your fingers positioned on the points. Thus, the weight of your head does the job.
Breathe slowly and deeply for 1 to 2 minutes.
To know more about Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure