Acupressure Point: Third Eye (GV24.5)

3rd Eye, G24.5
third Eye, G24.5

This point is located in the area of the Third Eye Chakra, home of the thoughts, knowledge, imagination, intuition, vision, beliefs, and spirituality.
Working that point is efficient to calm the mind, clarify ideas, strengthen mental projection and intuition. It also involves all the senses which organ is on the face (eyes, ears, nose, sinuses). When these organs are affected, VG24.5 is a good point to stimulate.
Finally, it can be used (together with other points) in case of headache, dizziness, vertigo, sinusitis.


Governor Vessel 24.5 (GV24.5), Third Eye.

Where is this point?

One finger’s breadth above the point between the eyebrows. It is located almost in the middle of the forehead.

How to work this point?

Carefully position the pulp of the middle point. Do not apply pressure, do not apply any circular motion. This is a point to enter into communication with. Its stimulation is not physical.

Be careful to relax your hand and arm, so as not to pull the skin down.

5 Comments on “Acupressure Point: Third Eye (GV24.5)”

  1. I am a licensed massage therapist & I now suffer with Epilepsy so I almost forgot how important it is to touch these important bases on the body! You will really feel the difference!!

  2. I am a licensed massage therapist & I now suffer with Epilepsy so I almost forgot how important it is to touch these important bases on the body! You will really feel the difference!!

  3. Yes, a light touch is important. Heavy pressure and/or circling (OK for some body points) is self-defeating, causing discomfort and possible headaches…

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