This point is the best point to nourish the chi and blood, boost digestion, the stamina, and promote general wellness.
Stomach 36, St36, Zu San Li, Three Mile
Where is this point?
St 36 is located four finger widths below the lower border of the kneecap and one finger width off the shin bone to the outside.
This point is one of the most difficult to locate. You’ve found the point correctly if you feel the muscle move under your fingers when you flex your foot up and down.
How to work this point?
Because it is located in a thick muscular area, it requires strong pressure.
There are 2 positions to work this point:
- Sit, legs bent, feet flat on the floor. Press with your thumbs, or rub the points with your knuckles or roll a small ball on each point. Press as hard as you can.
- Sit, legs stretched on the floor. Lean your body forward to apply a vertical pressure. This technique is more relaxing, and more efficient.
Using moderate to firm pressure, hold for about one minute.
Stimulate both points in the morning, and after lunch.
[This information is given for educational and recreational purposes. Consult a healthcare practitioner if you are sick].
Tongue margins showing teeth indendation marks. Pl suggest point for thism
Pl suggest acu point for hypochlorhydria . presently using st36 and sp3.
Dear Sir,
In vain I looked for the next Meridian points…Hopefully you can HELP ME –
– Lesser Merchant?LU11
– Celestial Chimney / CV 22
– Central Palace / LU1
I look for pictures – to make the points clear
In advance i thank You very much for your Help,
Annelies ter kuile
Hi, you can find all the points on the meridian charts:
ps: I am a Madam, not a Sir 🙂
can I stimulate st-36 alone ? Is there any combination point that must be stimulated with st-36?
Yes of course you can stimulate St-36 alone (well, both at the same time 🙂