Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and the aura…

altered aura
altered aura

Alcohol and drugs unleash behavior and personality. A few drinks, a marijuana cigarette, and one feels on top of the world: euphoric mood, apprehension gone, confidence boosted, sharpened senses, higher performance…

However, psychotropic substances do more than expanding one’s conscience: they project it out of one’s body. Alcohol throws the soul out of the liver (its natural nest, according to the Ancient eastern tradition), leaving space for toxic energies. Ecstasy, LSD and mushrooms cause dissociation between body and mind…

Furthermore, those substances have disastrous impacts on the vital energy: for instance, marijuana tarnishes the ethereal bodies, cocaine tears the aura…

Psychotropic substances, as well as being illegal, are dangerous for mental and physical health, and they get in the way of a natural beauty.

Nicotine is a substance that appears to stimulate the same brain zones as cocaine. Babies born from women smoking 6 to 7 cigarettes per day during their pregnancy present behavioral changes (excitement, tension, crying) similar to the new-born from women who absorbed crack, cocaine or heroin during their pregnancy (study from the Brown Medical School – USA). Besides, smokers consume more tobacco when in situation of having to perform. In parallel (and paradoxically), smoking a cigarette is relaxing. In fact, it soothes the artificial edginess generated by the physiological withdrawal of nicotine. In association with alcohol and drugs, tobacco is often used to relax. In fact, although this substance does not alter the conscience, it has all the other effects of psychotropic drugs. Unfortunately, smoke and tar clog the lungs, the primary receptacle of the surrounding vital energy we breathe. Lungs are the main instruments of breathing, which is the technique on which all energy practices are based. In addition, smoke lays down a grey veil on the ethereal bodies. A clogged respiratory system is not an efficient tool for the fluidity of the energy in the body.

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