DIY Facial Rejuvenation Program

Bring Out Your Natural Youthful Glow And Improve Your Wellbeing At The Same Time !
This Programme is a truly natural anti-wrinkles and anti-dark circles skincare…

I crafted a Complete Programme for you, that includes:
  • The Daily Routine: all the necessary facial acupressure exercises for the face and the eyes… 10  minutes, that’s all it takes!
  • The Instant Glow Express Routine: a very handy 1 minute exercise for a rested and radiant glow before a function, a meeting, a job interview, a date, all the special occasions in your daily life
  • A la Carte Exercises, to work more on all your facial areas (cheeks, chin, jaws, nose, neck) and treat specific issues (acne, under eyebags, sinusitis, migraine…)

ALL The Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure Points in One Program,
A complete series of exercises to rejuvenate your face

facial acupressure exercises, lift, plump and glow

This book is filled with clear step-by-step instructions, photos, and charts.
(And remember: I am a true Certified Acupressure Therapist!)

What you will learn with the Complete Programme:

  • The amazing acupressure points and pressure techniques that give a spectacular brow lift and get rid of the sleepy look
  • How to use acupressure points to reduce swelling and puffiness around the eyes
  • The “pump” technique to fight the frown crease between the eye brows
  • Proven techniques to tone the facial muscles and make fine lines disappear
  • The secret method to relax your jaws and firm up your chin, so as to prevent and reduce sagging in the lower face (it involves the thumb and the tongue!)
  • How to lift your forehead in 1 minute (so convenient when rushing or before a function!)
  • The fun tricks to exercise the muscles around the mouth, to relax tension and reduce the mouth wrinkles
  • How to massage the skull in an efficient (yet pleasurable!) way
  • How to tone the eyes muscles, and how to relax them
  • Two different techniques to relax your neck and shoulders muscles, to facilitate the flow of blood and vital energy to the face and skull

And more…

  • The 3 minute exercise to iron your face, an essential routine to use on the go
  • The amazingly simple 3 steps to reduce congestion of the nose, allowing fluids to drain out and air to flow in
  • The easy technique to reduce dark circles and eye bags, and lift the eyes zone. This technique is thousands of years old, learn from the Ancient!
  • The 7 acupressure points and professional stimulation techniques to unblock sinuses
  • How to alleviate headaches, a tension that immediately shows on the face
  • The ultimate exercise to improve complexion and glow, since it involves the acupressure points used to fight acne!
Kindle * Apple * Other Digital : USD 5.99

Paperback : USD 12.90
Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure book
Available in PRINT & BINDED on Amazon


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$12.90 (+H&S)

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Available on all Amazon websites around the world.

Don’t hesitate!
And thanks to the therapeutic effects of acupressure,
improve your overall wellbeing at the same time!
Before / After Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure