You’ve decided to take over your health & well-being, you have done your research on therapies and have chosen one … You now have to find the right practitioner. A good practitioner is one 1) who masters his technique, and 2) whose style and personality are right for you.
For years I have interacted with practitioners from all fields, origin, culture, and in many countries, either for my own personal needs, or for professional reasons. Moreover, my clients share with me their past and present experiences. It seems clear that choosing a practitioner is at least as difficult as the first step of… deciding to find one!
The choice is your responsibility, because it is a very personal one. But here are some recommendations and suggestions that I think are important:
The practitioner must have completed a certifying training. There are myriads of mini-training course, which are only workshops, and not sufficient to declare oneself a professional. Furthermore, the content may be questionable, because the authorities do not always regulate non-conventional therapies. Training abroad is not synonymous with poor quality, quite the contrary. Training received in a country where the therapy in question is recognized by the State is far more secure than training in a country where it is not. What matters is the certification, and a content that is regulated by the State or by authorities recognized by the State.
The practitioner must have worked on him/herself, i.e. on his psychological issues and his ego. Practitioners are not perfect people without wounds. But they must be aware of their weaknesses, and do not let them interfere with their work. The ego, in particular, is easily flattered by this trade: practitioners of non-conventional therapies have some “esoteric” knowledge, and they help people to the point of sometimes life changing growth. It is easy to “play God”, and certainly feel a certain superiority, or even omnipotence. Rely on the literature written by the practitioner: read their website, brochures, blog. If the practitioner mainly talks/writes about himself, his own path, the reasons that led him to embrace this job, be suspicious. Rely on how you are welcomed when you call/email to ask questions or make an appointment. Warmth and empathy should be part of the natural personality of a practitioner who loves their art and practices it humbly.
A practitioner of non conventional therapy normally has a holistic vision of the human being. If they swear by their field of therapy only, there are chances that their approach is compartmentalized, and thus debased. A practitioner should naturally send his/her clients to practitioners of other therapies if and when needed.
All the best in your research, and… listen to your intuition!