The Topography of Tears
A few years ago, during a time of personal hardship when she cried a lot, artist Rose-Lynn Fisher asked herself: “I wonder if all tears are the same? I wonder …
The Topography of Tears Lire la suite...Acupressure for natural health and wellness
A few years ago, during a time of personal hardship when she cried a lot, artist Rose-Lynn Fisher asked herself: “I wonder if all tears are the same? I wonder …
The Topography of Tears Lire la suite...What is emotional hygiene about? How do you react to loneliness, failure and other emotional pain? Do you treat your psychological injuries as diligently as your physical injuries? You should! …
Emotional hygiene Lire la suite...You can listen to your body… starting now!
Emotional centers of the body Lire la suite...