Face mapping (TCM)
Mapping of the link bewteen the face and the vital organs, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Face mapping (TCM) Lire la suite...Acupressure for natural health and wellness
Mapping of the link bewteen the face and the vital organs, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Face mapping (TCM) Lire la suite...Chart of the acupressure points on the face and on the skull.
Acupressure points on the face and skull Lire la suite...Acupressure Point St3 is a Master acupuncture point. It helps relieve stuffy nose, nasal congestion, sinus problems, tooth pain, eye ache, eye irritation, swelling around the eyes and general facial congestion. …
Acupressure Point St 3 (“Facial Beauty Point”) Lire la suite...Acupressure Point SI17 benefits the ears and throat, reduces swelling, relaxes the face lower muscles and helps flushing out toxins. Names: Small Intestine 17 (SI17), Heavenly Appearance, Celestial Counternance, Heaven’s …
Acupressure Point SI17 (“Heavenly Appearance”) Lire la suite...Acupressure Point St4 helps relieve wry mouth (crooked jaw, deviation of mouth from stroke), salivation, twitching of the eyelids, twitching of the corner of the mouth (Bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia) …
Acupressure Point St4 (“Earth Granary”) Lire la suite...Age and gravity progressively take their toll on our body, especially our face. That is why exercising the facial muscles is recommended to slow down and even defeat the signs …
Guidelines to enhance your Facial Fitness Program Lire la suite...