The Price of Freedom
The price to pay for freedom is very, very steep. Darn it.But the price to pay for security (financial, emotional, peace of mind, you name it) is actually your freedom.So …
The Price of Freedom Lire la suite...Acupressure for natural health and wellness
The price to pay for freedom is very, very steep. Darn it.But the price to pay for security (financial, emotional, peace of mind, you name it) is actually your freedom.So …
The Price of Freedom Lire la suite...By now virtually everyone in the world with an Internet connection has watched the amazing Sister Cristina perform at The Voice Italy. In case you didn’t, or wish to watch …
What Sister Cristina gives us Lire la suite...1,500 inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in the Philippines dancing on “Thriller”! Rehabilitation through dance, that is revolutionizing jail culture. . . Why “Thriller” ? To …
“Thriller” for inmates Lire la suite...